Bob's Torah Classes

Bob’s Shiurim

Inspiring Torah classes on meaning, mission, and reaching your potential

Hashkafah Shiurim

Introduction to Selichot and the General Hashkafa of Rosh Hashanah (Download)

Returning to Ourselves: Appreciating Our Greatness as Baalei Teshuvah (Download / Source Sheet)

Chart Your Course: Getting Back into the Hey (Download / Source Sheet)

Preparing for Elul: Seeing the Extent of Our Actions (Download / Source Sheet)

Being Tocho Kevaro: Does Your Inside Match Your Outside? (Download / Source Sheet)

When Hashkafic Worlds Collide: Who’s Really Right? (Download / Source Sheet)

Jewish Resilience: What Kind of Sukkah are You? (Download / Source Sheet)

Shovavim and Getting Out of Gallut (Download)

Finding Your Unique Tafkid in the Chabura, at Work, and in the World (Download)

Nisyonot: Why is Hashem Always Testing Us? (Download)

Achrayut: The Yardstick for Greatness (Download)

Defeating the Seven-Headed Serpent and the Modern-Day Sar Shel Esav (Download)

Parashah Shiurim

Beha’alotecha: Raising the Lights of Our Menorah (Download)

MEOR Rutgers/RJX

Finding Your Inner Light and How to Reveal It (Download)

Fighting on the Spiritual Front Lines (Download)

Birdhouses and Blowtorches: How to Identify Your Unique Mission in Life (Download / Source Sheet)

The Power of Speech: Creating Worlds & Building Ourselves (Download)